1. 蛮不讲理(古巨基) 527次
2. 最长的电影(周杰伦) 476次
3. 六天(周柏豪) 441次
4. 你当我什么(关楚耀) 405次
5. Ain't No Other Man (Christina Aguilera) 368次
6. 那首歌(林宥嘉) 331次
7. 时光机(小肥) 319次
8. Sexy Back (Justin Timberlake) 307次
9. 我自问(古巨基) 273次
10. 不想懂得 (张韶涵) 209次
编排了十大之后,让我有些惊讶,竟然出现了一些新歌手。前辈们,你们有难了,better watch out !!!
walao... u really listen to iPod a lot! 527 times for a song! anyway, i like the list too, except Christina lar, she keeps shouting lar...
hee, no choice la, who ask me like her so much...
are sure or not? 527 + 476 + 441 + 405 + 368 + 331 + 319 + 307 + 273 + 209 = 3656
3656 * 4 minutes = 243 hrs !!!
how you achieve!? 耳朵不回聋meh?
of course ma, have to fully utilize the ipod, since already paid so much for it
many artist in your list make me so surprise!
well,i don't really love that "ANOM"so much,I think "Hurt" should be replace it.
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