Sunday, May 25, 2008

My 2 New Partners (Blackie vs Snow White)

Recently, i think i gone crazy already, got myself 2 new partners in a very short period, one looked damn tanned and another one as fair as Snow White.

For Blackie, i knew her from work. She just joined in last week, and i have been assigned to take care of her, so no choice. At first, i really got problem with her, she is not obedient at all, always give me troubles. But after a while, she is now quite ok already. 

For Snow White, i really got no choice too, her elder sister, my ex, Lil' Yellowie, going to die very soon. Dunno what happen to her, when i first married her, she always sick, but i was too lazy to bring her to consult a doctor. So i decided to re-marry with Snow White and hope this time she wun die as fast as her sister, and we can live together ever after. 

I swear i will really take good care of them, wun let them suffer from life (as long as i still with them). 

Watever it is, let me introduce my 2 new partners, Blackie and Snow White..........

Lenovo ThinkPad T61 (Blackie) and MacBook (Snow White)


bigmoon said...

心里不平衡leh。you got new laptop yet i am still using CRT and 512MB ram machine.

summerson said...

syiok-nya... how come your old i-book is yellowie one?

Anonymous said...

to bigmoon: u got the whole super computer leh, still complain complain

to summerson: ya, bcoz of old dirt :-p