Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Days in NTUC Income (so far)

yo, i started working in the new company already! Today is my 2nd day here. These 2 days can consider as the lobo days for me as my laptop (brand new IBM thinkpad :-p) haven't ready yet. Yesterday was the 2nd day of orientation program, i missed the 1st one which was on 2nd May, so i have to attend the 1st session again in the beginning of June :-(. 

There will be quite a number of briefings going on, think once the laptop is ready, no more lobo and honeymoon period for me, hope the laptop will not be ready forever.......Mr. Lap, please dun come so fast, i beg u !


Anonymous said...

KNS. I'm going to show ur new boss this; hope she gives u tons of work to do.

Anonymous said...

wa, wat will u get wor if u tell my boss

bigmoon said...

心里不平衡leh, i am still uisng 14' CRT monitor + slow machine

Anonymous said...

no worry, eventually u will get one super computer, bcoz u r the most important BA in the comp ;-), and dun forget to buy i780